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Vehicles for TV and Movies

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:41 pm
by Bill_Wolf
I was talking with another board member this afternoon and we bounced around the idea of adding a page to the main website of people who might like to make their vehicles available for TV, Commercials, Movies, etc.

What do you all think?

There would be no fee for this although it would go through a central email before being sent on to you all to protect your email address from spam.

I know there are pros and cons of doing this and I do not want to be directly involved with what you do with your truck. I just thought if it could generate a little $$$ it might be interesting.

Just your thoughts about yes or no and a brief description of the reason why. I don't want any big stories this time through. I want to keep this discussion on target.

If it merrits more discussion I will start another thread.


Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:54 pm
by John V Cliche
I for one would be interested in exploring this further.

Some of the "pros" are obvious
But what are some of the "cons"?

The opportunity to possibly "reverse the cash flow"even just a little with these HMVs is interesting :) to say the least.


CCKW's in the movies

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:46 pm
by Cat Man
We have had several collectors I know here in the American midwest rent vehicles for use in movies or other paying events.

It would intersting to hear from others how these contacts and contracts are connected and money made.

I've heard people who had vehicles in movies tell me they had fun with it and have also heard about and seen some pretty serious damage to vehicles after the movie company was finished. Big difference in your point of view between owning historic military vehicle and using a movie stunt property.

I'd vote to develop the thread a bit further. It would be good to find out the who, what and how and maybe what not and how not. Try and keep it to facts and first hand experience. Lets avoid the undocumented stories of "I knew a guy who knew a guy that had an uncle that says he once heard....Blah Blah.

Cat Man

movies/television Ops

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:51 am
by Colin Britton
I was looking into this before my all expence paid trip, and have been interested in doing this myself.
I remember reading about being careful what purpose your vehicle will be used for in the movies before you agree. I remember reading how one owners vehicle was to be blown up in a scene and he had no clue before hand, he was standing on the side of the set until he caught wind of the directors desires for the scene. :shock: He then got into his jeep, drove it off the set and left for obvious reasons.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:47 am
by Karoshi
I've had some limited experience of film work here in the UK, for both television and the big screen. Experiences were mixed.

The broad view of the film company is that they "own" the vehicle, and feel entitled to do with it as they wish. Invariably it will be driven by a stunt man or by inexperienced cast, and their loyalties lie elsewhere.

Personally if I were involved again I would think twice, and would be careful to draft an agreement detailing "static" and "action" use.

I figure the most viable way is to sell the vehicle to them with the right to buy it back, but then I guess that would incur lawyer fees etc. and how you determine values is anybodies guess.

Having said that I know owners that have supplied "dressing props", and have done very nicely thank you.

Just my take.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:27 pm
by armydriver
Sounds like a good idea to me.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 1:20 am
by Bill_Wolf
Thanks for the input to all those who responded.

I believe that the promotional demand for historic WWII vehicles will continue. Band of Brothers - Pacific ( surprisingly called "The Pacific") has started filming and is due to be released in the fall of 2009. Spin from that 10 part mini-series should continue to keep WWII collecting and viewing in the forefront like the original BOB did.

I was thinking about adding a page to the main website to put pictures of the vehicles of all who are interested in participating. We would use some type of identification and your location and have them contact the site through a special email link. This would not be limited to GM vehicles but any WWII vehicles that you would like to include...even Girlie Jeeps :shock: (Yup...I've lost my mind!)

All emails would be sent on to the owner (as there is no way I am getting into the middle of this...I have enough of my own problems) and you would set your arrangements up directly. The centralized email will cut down on spam issues.

I have heard the good and the horror stories about Vehicle rentals too. It would probably be prudent to have a experienced agent that could advise on this to keep the exposure issues to a minimum. Of course he will take a percentage but maybe he can make it part to the renters premium and not the owners. An experienced agent is just a good idea.

Please continue the discussion and if anyone knows of an agent wanting to take this on on a case by case basis please let me know.

Again I want no "cut" or to be part of any of the participants negotiations.


Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:18 pm
by UK Jack
weasel_nut wrote:Thanks for the input to all those who responded.

I believe that the promotional demand for historic WWII vehicles will continue. Band of Brothers - Pacific ( surprisingly called "The Pacific") has started filming and is due to be released in the fall of 2009. Spin from that 10 part mini-series should continue to keep WWII collecting and viewing in the forefront like the original BOB did.

I agree with you Bill as this market will only grow - a good chum of mine is the custom designer for the Pacific, he was also the custom designer for BoB and work on SPR - he is currently in Australia on set but will be back this week (he better be as my good lady and I are at his place for supper on Saturday) and he has said for a long time that this will only grow. Further to Colins experiences he advised never to 'lend' your vehicle to a film company.........

Ask him the question " why don't us Brits do something on the war" ......bring your swear box and hold on tight :shock:

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:05 am
by Lucky Forward
Movie Participation (Pearl Harbor)
I let the Movie Pearl Harbor use my WC 15 command car. It was parked at the Battleship Texas for the 4 days they used it. I was paid $900 for its use. With digital filming, it was used in four different places in the movie. They drove it maybe 20 yards if that. They then did all their movie sequencing in the studio. It can been seen parked on Wicham fileld, as a back drop to a scene near the hospital and two distance shots. They changed the bumper designation digital and never repainted a thing. They threw a little dirt on it and that was about all. It washed off.

Here is how it worked. They hired a guy who contacted all the MVPA clubs in Texas and said they were looking for period trucks. At the time I was president of the 6th Cav Historical Association and new all the other clubs and owners. One of our guys who had the time worked with their guy. We got a hold of all of the want to be participants and got good list of vehicle the the source point guy. He then picked the ones he wanted. In the Houston area I think they used 8 or 10 vehicle. I was fortunate because my WC 15 Dodge Command Car was made in March of 1941 and very well could have been in service at Pearl Harbor or certainly one just like it.

I suspect most movies do this sort of thing and with the digital and computer generated images there is very little danger to the vehicles, or at least that was the case in this movie.